Lower Mustang Nepal
FAQs, Trekking Guide

How to Get to Lower Mustang Nepal (Muktinath):


Every traveler planning for Mustang wonders about how to get to Lower Mustang Nepal. You can get a bus to Mustang from different parts of Nepal. They also wonders about the route and mode of transportation to Mustang.

There are many ways, you can get to Mustang and each one of them has their own perks and draws. But without expectation, each mode of transportation offers magnificent views of the landscapes, villages, and farms. Lower Mustang Nepal has been accessible to the foreigners for centuries. Most of them are a pilgrimage, traveling to seek the blessing of Muktinath while for the other kind of tourist; it’s a gateway to Upper Mustang. Here is how you can get to Lower Mustang by Bus, Jeep, Flight, Helicopter, and trekking.

Your journey usually begins from Kathmandu as it’s the only city with an international airport in Nepal. Then you need to travel all the way to Pokhara before you fly or drive to Jomsom. Also be informed about detailed trek Itinerary.

Jomsom is also termed as Dzongsar or New Fort. Jomsom, an administrative headquarter of Mustang District is a small yet beautiful town. From Jomsom, you can take other modes of transportation to the temple of Muktinath which is the endpoint of Lower Mustang Trek.


Flight to Lower Mustang Nepal:

Note that there are no direct flights to Muktinath. So you should take a round flight.

Kathmandu- Pokhara
It’s a beautiful flight with a crystal view of some of the tallest mountain peaks in the world.
The cost for a one-way ticket to Pokhara from Kathmandu is as follows:
• Nepali or Indian Citizen- NRS 4500 per person
• Foreigner – USD 125 (NRS 12,500) per person.

Lower Mustang Nepal
Lower Mustang Nepal

Pokhara to Jomsom
Once you arrive in Pokhara, you need to take another 20-25 minutes flight to Jomsom.
• Tourists: USD 100-125 per person.
• Locals: NPR 7000-8000 per person

You can also trek to Upper Mustang from Mustang. Read about Upper Mustang Trek Costs.

Helicopter Flight to Lower Mustang Nepal:

With no doubt, Helicopter is the easiest and convenient way for getting to Lower Mustang. You can get the bird’s eye view of Pokhara Valley including Begnas Tal, Rupa Tal, Fewa Tal. You can also witness the Panorama view of Annapurna, Fishtail, Manaslu, Dhaulagiri, Tukuche Peak, and Nilgiri.
The overall tour to Mustang only takes around 6 hours. The helicopter lands at Ranipauwa, the place where the helipad for Lower Muktinath has been established.

The Helicopter trip for Lower Mustang Nepal costs around US$ 4250. It seats between 1-6 persons, so if you are in a group, the cost shall be reasonable.

Bus to Mustang:

You get two options for visiting Lower Mustang Nepal on public vehicles (buses):

Option 1:
You can get local buses from Kathmandu to Pokhara from New Bus park or Kalanki which cost between US$ 5-6 per person for. It’s not as comfortable as a tourist bus but you will save a few dollars. Yet, the experience to mingle with the locals is quite different. From, Pokhara, you can get a bus to Beni which is a 3-4 hours journey. The bust costs around US$ 3

Or, you also take a bus from Kathmandu to Beni which leaves twice a day and costs between US$9-14 per person.

From Beni, you should take a bus to Ghasa, which costs around US$ 4. From Ghasa, take the final bus to Jomsom which also costs the same- US$ 4. Once you reach Jomsom, you can take a bus to Muktinath, which is around 21 km from Jomsom. The cost of this journey is US$ 3 to $4.

Tips for this Itinerary:

It’s convenient to choose Kathmandu-Beni route as the costs of accommodations is cheaper in Beni. Also, its easier to get the bus ride the other day.
Also, if you have enough time, one the way back, you can take a bus from Jomsom-Pokhara as Pokhara is a great city to relax and sightsee.

Option 2:
Is definitely an easier option as you can directly get a bus to Jomsom. The bus leaves to Kathmandu from Jomsom, which cost around US$ 20. The other day, you can get a bus to Muktinath to Jomsom and back.

This package is designed for the devotees wishing to visit Muktinath. The bus leaves from Kathmandu at 2:30 in the afternoon and reaches Jomsom at 7-9 in the morning. The bus then leaves Jomsom at around 1:00 PM in the afternoon which reaches to Kathmandu in the morning at around 7-9 am. The overall distance from Kathmandu to Jomsom is 375 kilometers.

Tourist Bus to Lower Muktinath:

Kathmandu to Pokhara: Tourist Bus
Tourist buses are way more comfortable than the local buses and safer as well. You can get Deluxe, Super Deluxe or VIP Super Deluxe Bus Ticket from Kathmandu to Pokhara.
The cost of the tourist bus to Pokhara are:

  • Deluxe Bus: US$ 7
  • Super Deluxe Bus: US$ 8
  • Greenline Tourist Bus: US$ 15
  • VIP Deluxe Bus: US$ 20
  • VIP Super Deluxe (Air suspension): US $22

Tourist Bus from Kathmandu to Beni:
The option for tourist buses for Kathmandu to Beni is less. The only choices are:
Regular Tourist Bus: US$ 13
Deluxe Bus with Ac: US$ 9
This difference in the costs of tourist bus is due to the availability of different facilities.

Lower Mustang Nepal
Lower Mustang Nepal

Hiring Private Jeeps, Vans to Mustang:

For this, the easiest way is to get to Pokhara where you can hire your vehicle to Jomsom. The other day you can drive to and from Muktinath.
The cost of hiring a private jeep to Lower Mustang Nepal tour is usually US$500, which mainly depends on your itinerary.

Trekking to Lower Mustang Nepal

In Nepal, trekking is the best ways to enhance the experience of traveling. You can enjoy the landscape and culture the place has to offer in a particular region.

For Lower Mustang Nepal, there is a wide range of trekking options which takes between 10-14 days. You can trek from Jomsom to Muktinath via kagbeni, then trek to Marpha, Kalopani, Tatopani and then also join Poonhill and Ghorepani to your trek.


Contact us here and book your journey to Lower Mustang Nepal. We make the best kind of arrangements for your stay at affordable price. We have flexible Upper Mustang itinerary to make your trek easy.

Happy Trekking!!

About Shobita Neupane

Shobita is a co-founder of Travel Diary Nepal. She is a passionate traveler and a content writer. Her favorite quote is Fly so high until your problem looks smaller and the dream seems closer.

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