Ghorepani Poon hill trek Nepal
Annapurna Trek Guide

Ghorepani Poon hill trek Nepal from Pokhara fun experience


Stepping out from the confined area, you can fully experience the real essence of beauty. To have such an experience, Ghorepani Poon hill trek Nepal can be your foremost destination. The sequence of Himalayas with the capped snow over them and the cool breeze with the warm welcome of sunshine is just incredible in Ghorepani Poonhill trekking. Poonhill, also known as the hill station of Nepal, lying at an altitude of 3210m in the border of Myagdi and Kaski district, is adventured with charming greeneries and blooming rhododendrons as lap and magnificent Annapurna, Dhaulagiri, and Manaslu range as roofs all along. Here, we share our fun experience during the Ghorepani Poon hill trek Nepal.


Ghorepani Poon hill trekking Map- 2 days

You can plan for 2 days or 3 days trek to Poonhill if you have a short feasible time; otherwise, you may extend the days. For a 2days trek, you can take the following route. 


Ghorepani Poon hill trek Nepal
Ghorepani Poon hill trek Nepal

 It is a short tenuring route that you can have overnight stay at Ghorepani and return the next day back to Pokhara via the same route. But if you plan to have 3 or more days trek, look over the Ghandruk too. You can take the route of Pokhara to Nayapul, then to Ghandruk on 1st day where you can stay at night. The Second day, you reach to Tadapani, and finally to Ghorepani. And since we have thought for 2 days trek, we choose the route accordingly. Here is the detail Itinerary.

Ghorepani Poon hill trek Nepal Bus

Check Himalayan Masters Manaslu Circuit Trek if you are in Nepal and wish to explore some unknown lands in Nepal.

A regular bus facility was available from Harichowk, Pokhara. We reach to Nayapul within 2hrs. From there, you can either trek or can take a jeep to Ulleri or even up to Birethanti. It will almost take 2hrs by jeep and 6-7hrs by foot to reach to Birethanti from Nayapul. But the way from Ghandruk, it will take 4-5hrs on a Jeep to reach Nayapul. And your trek will then start along the pathway of the forest, including stairs of stones. The hills passing by with partly village residence throughout the route will surely mesmerize you. It may take around 7-8hrs to reach Ghorepani from Birethanti normally.

Let is help with your packing bag for ponhill as well.

Best time for Poon hill trek

The trek to Poonhill, will be highly explorable at two different times of years. If you wanna feel and enjoy the snowy beauty, it is better to go during Sep-Nov, and if you are willing to smell and observe the bloomy rhododendrons aiding the fragrance throughout the trails, you can plan during March-May.

Ghorepani Poon hill trek Nepal
Ghorepani Poon hill trek Nepal

 Highlights of Ghorepani Poon hill trek Nepal

Shadow of footprints leaving behind with each step you make and the greenish trees with sparkling white snow you get to see is really a beautiful glaze during wintertime.

Dark red blossoming rhododendrons emerge outside with wonderfully spread leaves in the background and fresh-smelling aroma they shatter around to overcome your tiredness during summer.

Varying castes and culture, holding souls, and offerings of greetings with their sweet smiles make you much delightful beyond limits.

Besides this, you will also be pleased to observe the way they are residing, the process of cultivating different vegetables like potato, spinach, tomato, and many more, and the regular doings they are carrying out over terraces.

Ghorepani Poon hill trek Costs

Poon hill hotel and food costs

Once you reach Ghorepani, there are many hotels to stay overnight. There you can get a whole package, including room, dinner, and breakfast at Rs.1000to Rs.2000 according to the facility. The very warm, welcoming people and servings in the tea house will make you feel at home. The windows unveiling the scenarios of rooftops full of snow clods give a different relief and continuous gaze.

Cost of transport

You will have to pay a bus fare of Rs.200 fromHarichowk, Pokhara to Nayapul. And the jeep will take for a fare of Rs.1700 from Nayapul to Birethanti.

Final destination to the peak point of Poonhill

Ghorepani Poon hill trek Nepal
Ghorepani Poon hill trek Nepal

To experience the first blink of sunshine the next day, you need to make your move towards the viewpoint of Poonhill. From Ghorepani, you walk in the early hours of the morning through stone stairs. At a point you reach, the panoramic view of Annapurna, Manaslu, Dhaulagiri, and the other Himalayas mesmerizes you. The reflection of shining snow by the rays of sunshine will surely make your weariness leave and make you feel much astounding. Finally, you get back from there to the hotel at Ghorepani, have breakfast, and take the same route to return to Pokhara.


Poonhill, being the wondrous destination with beautiful coverage, the whole trip to Poonhill will be overwhelmingly worthful to catch up with the moments, memories, and adventures for sure. So, make a plan and visit this place!!

Book your trips to Poonhill with us here.

About Karishma Bhusal

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